California Gulch Monitoring


Current Streamflow Data

All Data are Provisional! Please read this important notice.
For information about each station, click on the station name.
Streamflow Gage Station ID Water Temp Stream Level Shift Stream Flow Stream Conductivity Water pH
(ºF) (ft) (ft) (cfs)
[unless noted]

View Shift Status Codes

Historical Daily Data

Looking for other surface water stations? Check out the Colorado Division of Water Resources website.
Stream: How many days back?
End of Day Stream Data - From to
Date/Time Water Temp Stream Level Shift
(or Status)
Stream Flow Stream Conductivity Water pH
(ºF) (ft) (ft) (cfs)
[unless noted]

Downloadable Data and Charts

Last 15 Days Last 30 Days
Start Date: End Date:
All DataDaily Average DisplayDownload (CSV)

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"All-Data" reports over wide date periods may take up to an hour to prepare.
Please wait for one report to complete before starting another.

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Historical Data - From to
Date/TimeWater TempStream LevelShiftStream FlowStream ConductivityWater pH
[unless noted]
data here...